Saturday, February 7, 2009

No Maa Bengalooru

Long back when Chennai was renamed from Madras, I remember an interesting comic strip published in a magazine. It had a typical Khadi clad Neta Ji saying to the public " So what if we cannot change the condition of our cities, we can definitely change their names." Seems quite funny to read and giggle a bit and then forget it till the next name change ceremony for some other city comes..

One question for the unprobables (I mean people who are reading my blog).
Do you people justify renaming cities?

Anyway questions left apart and coming back to the blog, way back 2 years we renamed Bangalore to Bengalooru. When few baffled and surprised people asked what is wrong in Bangalore...the answer what they got was even surprising.. Bangalore doesnt means Boiled Beans whereas Bengalooru does...Long back a king came here and ate boiled beans and thats why we are renaming the IT capital of India. Is Bangalore just Bangalore or is it a brand name? Believe me people Bangalore is a brand which we Indians proudly use to sell our IT products. And what our dear rulers doing is renaming the brand. It is something like Pepsi renaming itself to Pipasi(It means thirsty in Sanskrit).Another example what I can think of at the moment is....I couldn't... So just changing the name of a city will change the way it is operating, will it change its fate and character..will it lead to development?
Well if that would have been the case then probably we would have tolerated the whole incident and carried on with boiled beans and pipasi..But the situation is strange..Bangalore is in its worst shape at present. Most roads are bad and few good stretches having cesarean cuts(courtesy BSNL and co( deserves another blog actually..)) , traffics jams,cramped colonies, electricity problem, stray dogs are just to name a few. These all gradually eating up the Brand "Bangalore". Do we deserve this? After all we are paying the highest road tax in the country for the BSNL operated roads. We are paying municipality for the upbringing of street dogs and their castration operation. We are paying too much tax on fuel purchased to get cramped colony roads. We are paying any rent they want to get a matchbox sort of house outside the city. Most important of all the No Maa May Tro (Namma Metro) project virtually encroaching all major roads of the city and adding mercilessly to the the traffic situation of the city has made the quality of life at the city worse. Construction work and cutting of trees in the city has made The Garden City one of the dustiest city in the world. Thanks god there are not many cities in the Sahara desert. Is it that Bangalore is losing its charisma and charm? Or just let me rephrase my sentence has Bangalore lost its charm? Can we see ourselves in a green, clean rejuvnated and refreshed Bangalore again or Bengalooru is the place where we have to be?
Is there any way out to reincarnate this city??

PS: This blog is written by a native of Bihar. So you can imagine really how bad and miserable the city will be at present..

1 comment:

  1. One thing I got from this blog is its just many complaints which we have with the city. Who doesn't have problems in their life or with their day to day interaction which they come up with (like city, office, personal etc.)there is no big deal in figuring out the problem but real problem lies in our sincere effort to find the solution for it. I know its not easy but if each individual starts thinking in this direction then everything is possible:) So from now starts looking for solutions for the problems...

    Your's Truly
